Published: April 19, 2006

Relatively Safer

Published: April 19, 2006

Ottawa Citizen

April 19, 2006

Relatively Safer

Re: More nukes are not the answer, April 12.

In his opinion article, David Chernushenko, the Green Party of Canada’s deputy leader, claims he’s an “advocate on climate change,” but then goes on to attack nuclear energy, the only non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy Ontario’s increasing demand for energy.

While I applaud Mr. Chernushenko for supporting more efficient use of fossil fuels, he remains suspiciously silent on the specifics. Yet the outcome of his plan is clear. If we do not invest in Ontario’s nuclear-energy infrastructure, the province will be forced to either maintain its pollution-prone, greenhouse- gas-emitting coal-fired plants (currently scheduled for elimination by 2009), or increase the number of greenhouse-gas- emitting natural-gas-fired plants. While renewable technology is important, it alone cannot meet Ontario’s increasing energy demands.

Mr. Chernushenko fails to acknowledge that efficient or not, fossil fuels such as coal and gas are major contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions, as well as a source of other serious environmental problems, including acid rain, smog, respiratory illness and mercury contamination.

By comparison, nuclear energy is clean, safe, reliable and cost-effective.

Mr. Chernushenko must understand that he can’t have it both ways. If, as he recommends, the province eliminates nuclear energy, then Ontario will be forced to increase its use of fossil fuels. That’s not the outcome an “advocate on climate change” should be supporting.

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